Are Auditors the Baddies? A Look into Audit’s Responsibility in Bank Failures

The role of audit is often seen as boring and tedious, which is often true. However, recent collapses in the financial sector (SVB, First Republic, and Signature Bank) is making audit a little bit more interesting as KPMG issued unqualified audit opinions on the accuracy and truthfulness of their financial statements days before their collapse. Is KPMG a victim of their own success by auditing the majority of Banks in the US and having higher odds of having Banks fail as they audit them? Surely, they should be held accountable for something, let’s take a look at Audit’s role in this fiasco and find out.

Credit Ratings and US: Is it time for another US downgrade?

The possibility of a credit rating downgrade for the United States has heightened concerns as Fitch places the country on their negative watch list during the ongoing debt ceiling discussions. This move signifies the potential risk of unpaid debt instruments and prompts questions about the impact on the pricing of Treasury securities. Drawing parallels to the 2011 downgrade by S&P.